Source Code
Source code repositories
1 minute read
The source code is organized in 5 repositories hosted on GitHub. These repositories are:
- Data Access Deployment resources: this repo contains a sample
file that will compile and run all the necessary services required by the Data Access’ stack. - Data Access REST API: this repo contains the code for the RESP API used to handle data import and agents’ management.
- Data Access User Interface: this repo contains the code of the web client for management tasks.
- Data Access Base model definitions: this repo contains a list of scripts that pre-load in the internal database the data models used by the different data import agents
- Data Access Base Agent Template definitions: this repo contains a series of scripts that pre-load in the internal database the different types of agent templates available through the Web Client and how to bundle the files when the user creates a new agent using the wizard.
Last modified May 9, 2023: docs: adding the installation guide (a840a86)